Evangelists Wanted
We are Emmaus Road Church. We are a small church plant in the Sugar Land area and we are focused on the mission of preaching the gospel to everyone who lives, works, or plays in Sugar Land. We want to get the gospel into every ear, eye, mind that we can. Emmaus Road's mission statement is "Preaching the gospel to all, and discipling those who believe, in Sugar Land and throughout the world."

We currently have a plan in place to get the gospel into every home in the Sugar Land area but we lack evangelists. So, now we're fishing for fishermen. If you are an evangelist, chances are you are made to feel like an outcast. (I know how it feels) Few churches acknowledge the gift of evangelism and even fewer churches put them to use in the building up of the body. Because so few churches know what to do with evangelists, many evangelists have grown frustrated and bitter and some have stepped away from the church to pursue their evangelistic desires alone. We think that this is a tragedy. In Ephesians 4:11 Paul writes, "And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds and teachers, 12 to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ"
We believe that Ephesians 2:19-20 teaches us that the gifts of apostle and prophet were only for the laying of the foundation of the church in it's earliest days, and as such these offices no longer exist. However, we do believe that the gift of evangelist, and pastor-teacher are still operating and necessary for the health of the church. Ephesians 4, clearly shows that the gift of an evangelist is FOR the church body.
If you do not have a place to serve and you desire to be a benefit to a local body of believers we encourage you to look over our website and find out who we are and what we believe. If you feel that you are theologically compatible with us and desire to have your evangelistic gifts used in the context of a local church, then click on the link below and contact us. We'd be happy to meet with you, get to know you, and see if we could use your gifts to help us evangelize the city of Sugar Land.
For Christ and His Church,
Pastor Louis
Dear Pastor Louis.
ReplyDeleteGreetings in the precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God for your life and the great call God put in your heart for his kingdom.
I am an Evangelist that grew up in the Baptist Church from Lagos Nigeria but out of frustration started an independent ministry that can allow me to fulfill my vision. It has not been easy pioneering a small Church in the city with no financial backing.
I have as a baptist evangelized by personal efforts villages and towns in Nigeria and conducted Mass evangelism efforts with various chapters of the Christian Association of Nigeria and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria with attending Churches of over 30 in one single crusade. Hundreds of souls have been won to Christ numbering in thousands in various meetings, the sick are being healed by the Holy Spirit, the blind have seen on some occasions, the deaf have heard on about 6 occasion, one dumb spoke, the lame have walked too with hundreds delivered from demonic spirits as I ministered Jesus from place to place.
By His grace, the teaching and preaching grace operates as I minister. I have videos and pictures of some of these miracles that the Holy Spirit is doing and some of my meetings on my Facebook account. Kindly check on my Facebook account for such uploads.
I am from Nigeria and resides in Nigeria presently doing a secular work as an Information Technology specialist to support my family and the vision God put in my heart but will like to work with you and be part of a vision of not only bringing revival fire to the Sugar Land but the entire globe. I am willing to relocate and I believe you will not regret it if you extend a hand of fellowship to me. Kindly pray on it.
My name: Marvelous Olaleye Jokodola
Facebook account name: Marvelous Olaleye Jokodola
Email address: leyejoko@gmail.com
Phone Number: +2348033777552
Location: Lagos, Nigeria, West Africa.
My call: To rescue people from the shackles of darkness into the light of Christ via the instrumentality of preaching Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Looking forward to hear from you Pastor.
Your Fellow servant in Christ Jesus
Marvelous Olaleye Jokodola
Lagos Nigeria.